Event Reports

Regional Security in the Middle East: A View from Lebanon

On October 11, 2017, a roundtable entitled “Regional Security in the Middle East: A View from Lebanon” was organized by the Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM). Dr. Imad Risk, President of ISTICHARIA for Strategic and Communication Studies based in Beirut, delivered his introductory speech on the emerging security issues and the new power balance in the Middle East, where he mainly focused on the recent situation in Syria and Iraq and its implications to the broader geography. Following his speech, the roundtable proceeded with a Q&A session, in which several diplomats, academicians, specialists and researches contributed to the discussion which was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şaban Kardaş, President of ORSAM. Full video of the roundtable is available at http://orsam.org.tr/orsam/ medya/756?dil=en.