
Terrorist Organisation PKK in the Context of Türkiye-Iraq Agreements

The recently strengthened diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Iraq evolved into serious steps towards cooperation based on mutual strategic...

How Will Türkiye End Terrorism in Iraq and Syria?

Syria and Iraq have been grappling with armed conflicts for many years. In this process, Türkiye has been the country most exposed to the...

Strengthening Ties: The Evolution of Security Partnerships Between Russia and Nigeria

The burgeoning opposition to French influence, the assertive economic expansion of China, and the strategic significance of Africa as an energy...

Implications of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities

Whatever the military and political consequences of the Russian military invasion of Ukrainian territory on February 24 are, and even if the assault...

The US and NATO Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Possible Effects

Although some powerful independent states were established on its territory, Afghanistan's history since the time of Alexander the Great has been...

Hamas-Israel Ceasefire and the Geopolitical Effects of the Palestinian Victory

In the last days of Ramadan, confrontations occurred with Israel who wanted to evict 12 Palestinian families out of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in...

Rising Boko Haram Activity in Nigeria and Potential Outcomes

Originating from Nigeria, Boko Haram maintains an active profile particularly in Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Chad. It  has put  itself...

Algerian Berber Separatist Movement: Threat to National Unity and Territory Integrity

Ethnic groups are relocating from federal systems and vehemently manifesting their autonomy further. Some are proclaiming independence using the...