Elsadig Elfaqih


Dr. Elsadig Elfaqih is a professor of International Relations and Diplomacy at Sakarya University. Served as Ambassador of Sudan to Ethiopia as well as to Jordan and the State of Palestine, former permanent representative to the African Union, and former Chairman of the Board of UNECA. Dr. Elfaqih was also the former Secretary-General of the Arab Thought Forum in Amman, Jordan. He assumed many leadership positions in political, diplomatic, media, academic, research, and advisory tasks in many places, including Khartoum, Washington, London, Istanbul, Doha, Amman, Jordan, and Addis Ababa. He was also a long-time media adviser at the office of the President, the Council of Ministers, and Sudanese embassies in Washington and London. He worked at the Center for Research in History, Culture, and Islamic Arts in Istanbul, Turkey, and as a political expert at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Doha, Qatar. He lectured and taught at several universities and higher academic institutions and conducted training and capacity building on the media to professionals in Sudan, Yemen, and Britain, among others. Dr. Elfaqih is a writer, commentator, and political analyst. He published many research studies and articles in refereed journals and wrote hundreds of articles in  Sudanese, Arab, and foreign journals and newspapers. He specializes in political communication, international relations, and diplomacy. He studied philosophy, history, anthropology, sociology, media, political science, and the economy of development at universities in  Sudan, Egypt, Europe, and the USA. He holds a PhD in Political Communication and Diplomacy, a Master of American Media Philosophy, and several specialized diplomas in different disciplines.