
Qatar and the UAE joining the Development Road Project: Motivations and Benefits

The highlight on the economic agenda of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Iraq on April 22, 2024, was the signing of a...

PKK threats to the security of Turkmen in Iraq

After the terrorist attack of the PKK against Turkish soldiers in Northern Iraq in 2019 and then the dangerous terrorist attack that took place at...

The Current Trajectories of Turkish-Iraqi Relations: New Prospects in Confronting Old Obstacles

The relations between Türkiye and Iraq have always been of imperative importance to both countries, neither of which can afford to neglect or...

Turkmen City that has changed the Fate of Iraq: Amirli

Amirli (Emirli) is a Turkmen district of the Province of Salahaddin in Iraq. It is one of the Turkmen regions well known in Iraq due to its history,...

The Turkish Presence in Iraq

The Turkish Presence in Iraq

Biden's Iraq policy: Rehabilitating US-Iraq relations for the world of post-Ukrainian war

Observers following the USA's policies towards Iraq during President Joe Biden’s term will realize that there are new dynamics in the...

Sudani Cabinet and The Government Program

In all parliamentary elections held after 2003 in Iraq, different systems were applied due to changes in the electoral laws. The effect of the...

2021 Elections in Iraq: Crises, Demonstrations, and Afterwards

The US invasion in 2003 and the subsequent removal of the regime from power fundamentally affected Iraq and its society. In this context, the new...