Seyfi Kılıç


Seyfi Kılıç is a researcher in the ORSAM Water Research Programme. He studies especially Middle East water politics. He is also interested in international water law, environmental politics and North –South relations. Seyfi Kılıç has a PhD from Ankara University on environmental politics, master’s degree from Hacettepe University on hydropolitics and bachelor’s degree in international relations from Gazi University

Effects Of The Al-Anbar Crisis On Iraq's Water Management

The clashes that erupted at the end of 2013 in Fallujah, a city in the Iraqi province of al-Anbar, have continuously posed a danger for the security...

The Water Problem is Deepening between Iraqi Central Government and Kurdish Regional Government

Despite the frequent attempts to indicate its neighbouring states as the cause of water shortage in Iraq, it is clear that the main issue is...

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks and Israeli Presence along the Jordan River Valley

In the peace talks between Israel and Palestine which have regained momentum with the initiative of the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, the fact...

Linking the Congo River to the Nile as Egypt's Other Alternative

It might be suggested that with Ethiopia's starting to construct the Grand Renaissance dam on the Blue Nile River, Egypt's years of dominance...

Manmade Deprivation: Water and Sanitation in Gaza

In addition to the political split in Palestine that has been around since 2007, the country has been geographically divided into two parts since the...

An Assessment of Water Cooperation Between Israel-Jordan-Palestine

The Dead Sea, the lowest point on the land surface of the earth, is rapidly drying up due to excessive use of the Jordan River, the main water...

Environmental Problems Linked with Ethnic Problems in Iran

Some big projects have been developed in Iran in order to meet the water needs of certain regions in the country, which has severe problems regarding...

Laos Dam Construction Might Affect Mekong River Commission

The Mekong River Commission (MRC), known as the Mekong Committee before 1995, is a noteworthy organization, as it has been performing trans-boundary...

Historical Roots of the Blue Nile Conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia and its Present Reflections

The importance of the Nile for Egypt has been referred to many times since ancient times.   The first reference is “Hymn to the Nile,” known to have b...

Reasons for Water Problems

Until the end of the 19th century, the utilization of rivers was restricted to transportation, fishing and small-scale irrigation and apart from...

Ignored Riparian in the Aral Sea Basin: Afghanistan

 Two important rivers in the Aral Sea basin and the problems on transboundary water between the countries where those rivers flow into are one of the ...

The NGOs of Iraq as a Foreign Policy Tool: The Case of the Ilisu Dam

The problem between Iraq, Syria and Turkey related to the utilization of waters of the Euphrates-Tigris basin has been continuing since a long time....