International Humanitarian Law Training Program for the Syrian National Army
“Syrian National Army International Humanitarian Law Education Program” will be held on 25-28 July 2022 in cooperation with the Syrian Interim Government and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (ORSAM). Within the scope of the Training Program, the groups affiliated to the Syrian National Army (SNA) will be trained by Turkish academicians and researchers who are experts in their fields on the topics of “International Humanitarian Law, Internal Armed Conflicts and Humanitarian Law, International Humanitarian Law and Responsibility According to the Law of War and War Crimes”. The training program that will start with the opening speeches of the Prime Minister of the Syrian Interim Government and ORSAM President Ahmet Uysal on 25 July 2022 is as follows:
Location: Syrian National Army Training Command Headquarters - Syria
Date: 25-28 July 2022
10.00-11.30: Opening Remarks
Abdurrahman Mustafa, Prime Minister of Syrian Interim Government
Prof. Ahmet UYSAL, ORSAM President
SNA Representative
11.45-13.00: Turkey and Syria in the Light of Developments in the Middle East
Ahmet Uysal, ORSAM President
Oytun Orhan, Coordinator of ORSAM Levant Studies
10.00-13.00: International Humanitarian Law - Prof. Dr. Yonca İLDEŞ (Hacettepe University, International Relations Department)
(The place and importance of International Humanitarian Law, Fundamental concepts of International Humanitarian Law, International law of war, Fundamental principles of the law of war, Subjects and basic rules regulated by the law of war, 1949 Geneva Conventions and Supplementary Protocols)
13.00-14.15: Lunch Break
14.20-16.30: Basic Concepts of International Human Rights Law, Internal Armed Conflicts and Humanitarian Law - Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin ÇAĞIRAN - Department of International Relations at Hacı Bayram Veli University (Parties in civil war, Application of international humanitarian law to civil wars, UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions on the Syrian civil war, UN reports on the Syrian civil war)
16.40-18.00: Applicability of International Human Rights Law in Syria - Dr. Cemil Doğaç İPEK – TASAV Consultant
10.00-13.00: Responsibility Under International Humanitarian Law and the Law of War - Dr. Cemil Doğaç İPEK (States' responsibility, Individuals' responsibility, Crimes against humanity)
13.00-14.15: Lunch Break
14.30-17.30: War Crimes - Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin ÇAĞIRAN (Prosecution and punishment of criminals, Special arrangements for the prosecution and punishment of criminals)
10.00-11.30: The Status of Child Soldiers in International Law – Prof. Dr. Yonca İLDEŞ
11.45-13.00: Humanitarian Law and International Organizations: The International Committee of the Red Cross and UNICEF as Examples – Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin ÇAĞIRAN
13.00-14.15: Lunch Break
14.30-15.30: Presenting an Evaluation Questionnaire to Participants Regarding the Program
15.45-17.00: General Evaluation and Q&A, Distribution of Certificates to Participants
17.00-17.15: Closing Remarks