
The Future of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO

* The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) countries in geographical terms, cover a vast area. This is geographically a contiguous territory with seven million square kilometers. They have, in total, a significant population of 350 million people. This population is predominantly Moslem. 
* The ECO region is located in a strategically important part of the world, with access to the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Proximity to major powers such as Russia, China and the European Union is another significant feature. 
* There is an affinity and very close cultural interaction among member states. Historical ties are also significant.  There exists thousands of common words even with those which are linguistically different. 
* There exists transport linkages especially through cross-country railroad networks and highways in most of the member states. 
* There is a great potentiality for the success of the organization. In today’s world, however, it is not possible to make a satisfactory assesment in view of and as compared to the high potentiality of member states which could carry out more in their cooperation in all fields where the ECO might have important stakes. 
* ECO can do, no doubt, much better. When the Organization is much more active, this will serve best interests of all member countries. Nevertheless, it is observed that it lacks a dynamism. 
* As we see it, there is a great potential for the member states to take benefit from the opportunities offfered by the ECO on the way of cooperation and integration. Despite this positive ground, we can easily say that a strong political will is required to achieve the targets enshrined in the ECO Vision 2015. 
* One should emphasize, hovever, the fact that everything will depend on the political will of the member states to implement all necessary measures for a better functioning organization. . But, we should always keep in mind the fact that, when the ECO functions in the future as an efficient, dynamic and visible international organization,  this will serve, undoubtedly,  only for best interests of all the member states.