Orsam Water Interviews 2012
1. Ceyda Alpay: “Black Sea Box Project Suceeded in Drawing Attention to Environmental Problems in Black Sea”
2. Anna Bachmann: “The Quality and the Quantity Also the Management of Water Resources, They Are All Problems In Suleymaniyah”
3. M. Arif Demirer: “Turkey's Brackish Water Potentıal Might be an Alternative Resource”
4. Jacob Granit: “Water Should Not be a Constrained to Energy Production”
5. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş: “TRNC Drinking Water Supply Project Will be the Project of the Century”
6. Assıst. Prof. Dr. Aysun Uyar: “Environmental Problem is not Only The Problem of Natural Science But Also the Problem of Social Science”
7. Tesfay Alemseged: “Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia Have Good Relations About Renaissance Dam's Technical and Securty Issues”
8. Hüseyin Gündoğdu: “Once Again, Turkey Will Carry Out an Activity in Cooperation With ICID to be Held for the First Time in the World”