Water Resources Management in Iraq
Water problems are getting more acute day by day especially in arid and semi-arid regions like Middle East. Not only economic activities like agriculture and daily life but also relations among countries which are riparians to a transboundary watercourse are also affected directly by this shortage. In the Euphrates-Tigris basin crisis erupted when a riparian state started to develop its water resources. The water problem in the Euphrates-Tigris basin is wanted to indicate as a conflict factor by many western specialists. However, the approach of Turkey on the transboundary watercourses issue is quite clear and cooperative. Iraq which is a downstream country often accuses Turkey by interrupting the waters of Euphrates and Tigris and sees Turkey’s utilizations the main source of the water problem in Iraq. However, long lasting war, occupation and civil war circle demolished the water infrastructure in Iraq. Additionally, improper utilizations and mismanagement of water resources are the main problems that Iraq faces. In this report, the water resources of Iraq and water management issues are discussed in technical, political and legal aspects. Contents