ISIS, KRG and New Hydropolitics Order in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin
It can be argued that a new era has been started since the ISIS control spread from Syria to Iraq in particular Mosul together with other vast areas. Since the ISIS controlled territories in Syria and Iraq lie in the Euphrates-Tigris basin, some speculate on how the ISIS may use those water infrastructure installations against the central government in Baghdad. As a result of over three years of war in Syria, every form of weaponry is liberally used in the conflicts in the region; hence it is observed that the water resources and structures are to be used as a weapon. In this work the water structures constructed on the Euphrates-Tigris Basin that lies in territories of Syria and Iraq will be examined and the approaches adopted by the powers that control the area is tried to be defined. Similarly parallel to ISIS advance, this work will discuss how the attempts of KRG to expand its domain in disputed areas impact the hydropolitics of the basin.