Agenda See All

What does the DAESH attack in Oman tell us?

Everyone was shocked by the terrorist attack on a Shia Mosque in the "Al-Wadi Al-Kabir" area of Muscat on July 16th, which was claimed...

Terrorist Organisation PKK in the Context of Türkiye-Iraq Agreements

The recently strengthened diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Iraq evolved into serious steps towards cooperation based on mutual...

How Will Türkiye End Terrorism in Iraq and Syria?

Syria and Iraq have been grappling with armed conflicts for many years. In this process, Türkiye has been the country most exposed to the...

Publications See All

Türkiye-Israel Normalization Perceptions-Reality

In the course of  Turkish-Israeli relations, which deteriorated with successive crises in the post-2008 period, positive developments were...

The Spread of Insecurity from North Africa to the Sahel and the Questioning of French Regional Presence

Today, the global security agenda is concentrated on countries such as Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, especially within the context of non-state...

Daraa Fragile Security Disrupted by Foreign Actors amid the Emergence of New Powers

The geographical location of southern Syria is the most important cause of conflict in and around the region, which borders Israel and Jordan,...